Amster Rothstein and Ebenstein, LLP - Intellectual Property Law

Recap of Charles R. Macedo’s World Congress Webinar on Innovations in Machine Learning and Challenges Associated with Protecting Computer Invented Innovations

 World Congress

On June 18, partner Charles Macedo and Daniel Dardani, Technology Licensing Officer at MIT’s Technology Licensing Office presented a World Congress webinar on innovations in machine learning and the challenges associated with protecting computer invented innovations.

Charley and Daniel explored current practices and strategies to protect AI innovations and discussed emerging barriers against naming computers as authors or inventors for copyright and patent protection, and provided tips to deal with them.
Join us for our next webinar on July 23 at noon ET with the Licensing Executives Society on the Impact of Covid-19: Disruption, Acceleration & Innovation. You can register for the webinar here.

We would be happy to conduct a private version of this CLE program for your organization, and if you are interested or have any questions, please contact Charley at [email protected].

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