Amster Rothstein and Ebenstein, LLP - Intellectual Property Law

Charley Macedo Featured in IPWatchdog’s Wildest IP Dreams for 2021 Roundup


Charley Macedo was quoted in IPWatchdog’s “Wish Upon a Star: Experts Share Their Wildest IP Dreams for 2021" article where leaders in the IP field commented on what they would like to see in intellectual property if they were granted a wish, giving the participants a chance to explain how 2021 would unfold in their dream scenario.
Charley said, “In my wildest dreams, I would like to see Congress remove patent eligibility as a defense in litigation like it did for ‘best mode’ in 2011, have IPRs add in Section 112 defenses in addition to prior art defenses, and make a stay in litigation based on an IPR proceeding be conditional on the parties accepting the final result of the IPR to the extent it goes to final written decisions and exhausts all appeals with respect to all prior art defenses. These changes will reduce the costs of patent litigations, focus the cases on the merits of the invention, and reduce satellite litigation.”

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